Build Lasting Relations with Brand Collabs and Sponsorships

We will curate a successful strategy that connects you with the most relevant brands on the most favorable terms.

Collaborate Your Way to Success

Broaden the reach of your influencers by borrowing the tribes of your fellow brands and influencers. Do it without spending your life reaching out to potential fellows with the help of our personal branding consultants ready to build new connections.

Define Your Collaboration Needs

Define your following, explain your brand identity, talk about your ideal influencer to collaborate with - forget about all this hassle. Our experts will take care of it. Our planning stage includes:

  • Studying your brand, messaging, and targeted followers,
  • Understanding your goal for the collaboration,
  • Analyzing your peers and your position in the industry,
  • Choosing the social media platform that fits your needs,
  • Identifying the right type of campaign, content, and duration,
  • Defining your ideal match,
  • Discussing the scope of the project in the light of this research.

Find Your Ideal Match


Whether your campaign requires you to connect with micro-influencers and brands or mega ones, we can build the right connections for you. Before pitching, our experts will search for the influencers that exhibit:

  • Right match with your brand image,
  • Adequate following,
  • High engagement and credibility,
  • Availability and type of collaboration offered by the influencer

Drawing up the Contract

Boost your personal brand with affordable brand collabs.

After selecting your perfect partner/partners and pitching them, we shall work on the price factor with proper research, cost-benefit analysis, and reasonable negotiation before finalizing the contract. The terms of the contract will indicate the duration of the project and the type of recognition.

brand collabs


Dynamic keyword analysis illustration

Maximize returns with monitored and guaranteed execution of collaboration plans. In the collaboration execution phase, we shall:

  • Define the guidelines with tone, appearance, and messaging,
  • Track the posts made by a fellow brand or influencer,
  • Suggest quality improvements,
  • And create and approve the posting schedule.

Control and Improve

Build your next brand collaborations more mindfully by taking key insights from current collabs.

Here is how we help you reach the takeaways from your first sponsorship campaign to ensure better reach and engagement in your next ones:

  • We shall track individual posts to track the gains in terms of engagement and visits,
  • Our team will determine the most effective content format, platforms, influencers, tones, and messages.
  • Our experts will determine the least-performing tactics to eliminate in the future.
  • In the end, expect a report on these findings from us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Reputation correction time varies from a couple of weeks to a few months or more depending on the severity of the reputation crisis. The key is detecting and responding to the issue promptly and strategically.

Influencer marketing is the term to describe a marketing collaboration between a brand and an authority figure in the industry in which the authority figure endorses the brand and recognizes it for its value.

BrandMeBold can connect you to relevant influencers as well as your fellow brands so you two can make an impact together.

BrandMeBold considers the relevance of the influencer’s message with your brand to shortlist fellow marketing partners. In the later stages, the reach, engagement, and availability of these figures are assessed to find the best match.

Influencer marketing is an integral part of digital marketing strategy that demands continuous input for creating brand awareness. Most brands increase focus on this technique when a major event is nearing their business or work.

Ready to Make Your Impact?

Define your brand identity and let your clients remember it for ages with the help of personal branding experts at BrandMeBold.

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